Wednesday, August 16, 2017


"Every year is getting shorter, never seem to find the time. 

Plans that either come to naught, or half a page of scribbled lines..."

-Time, Pink Floyd

This isn't the first time I've quoted "Time" by the ingeniously creative Pink Floyd, and it certainly won't be my last. I've always found time to be a fascinating concept, as there are moments when it seems to crawl like a snail, and other times when you question if something even happened. Because, before you know it, "10 years have got behind you."

That certainly describes my thoughts regarding my time at Union. As a coping mechanism in times of distress or simply boredom, I like to tell myself, "It'll be over before I know it." Not that I wished Union would be over before I knew it, but I also do this whenever something exciting or positive is happening in my life. I can't help but think how fast time will go by. And sure enough, like magic, I'm in that moment where, whatever it is, is over.

I can still vividly remember when I first sat down in Schaffer Library as a freshman. There was a massive painting of a white winter forest to my left, and a few students with their heads buried in books to my right. At the table it was just me, my laptop, my Intro to Economics textbook, and Metallica. I looked up and thought to myself, "before I know it, I'm going to be a graduate, not a student."

And now, looking back, it's as if some magical force snapped its fingers and plopped me into the present. Where I am no longer a student, but a Minerva Fellow of Union College. Already my first month has gone by unbelievably fast. It feels like yesterday that I was unpacking my suitcases. I will never forget that feeling when I made the realization that this would be my life for the next year. I was terrified. Excited, nervous, unsure; it's hard to describe such a strong feeling you've never felt before. But I can tell you I truly know what it feels like to be out of my comfort zone.

Sometimes it still doesn't feel real that I am here. I was walking into the apartment today, and as I opened the door I just thought, "Am I really opening a door to an apartment in Cambodia?" Again, it's difficult to describe such a feeling, but the best description I can give is surreal. During my first month in Siem Reap, I have been telling myself that, "Before I know it, I'll be back home," as every day I long to see my friends and family. Especially my little dog, Soda.

But I must be careful, as time has a funny way of operating. When we want time to fly, it takes the bus. And when we want time to pause, it fast forwards. But surely enough, before I know it, I'll be back in Stillwater, New York. Ready to take on my next adventure.

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