Friday, July 21, 2017

A Surprise Visitor

Once in awhile we all have those days that start off so terribly that we can't possibly think the rest of the day will be any better. If I've learned anything from these types of days however, it's that you can't let a bad morning spoil the rest of your day.

Case in point: this morning Sydney and I got lost on our way to TGC (I had us take a right instead of a left, so I take the blame) and we biked up and down one of the busiest roads I've seen for about half an hour. I managed to make at least three motorcycles and a bus come to a complete stop so I could turn around and cross the street. That was fun. The worst part was that we passed the school at least three times. After we finally arrived at the school I was sweating profusely and could only think about how the rest of the day was going to go.

Sydney and I had two classes on our schedule for the day, and it was these classes that turned my whole day around. The topic was essay writing and how to structure one properly. Sydney took charge of the first class and I taught the second. This first small dose of teaching felt amazing, and I had completely forgotten all about wandering the streets of Siem Reap, looking for a building that was within a stone's throw away the entire time. Before I knew it it was time for lunch.

When we returned from lunch (I almost missed the school again) there were two people I didn't recognize in the courtyard, and they instantly acknowledged Sydney and I with warm smiles and great enthusiasm. Turns out, they were Union graduates from 2010 and 2011 on their honeymoon, and one of them was a Minerva Fellow at the very organization I work with now.

This was my first experience meeting another Union alum as an alum, and I cannot wait to meet more. Seven years have already passed since his fellowship concluded, and it made me realize that time is truly our most precious commodity.

As David Gilmour once sang, "and then one day you find, ten years have got behind you, no one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun..." If you haven't heard "Time" by Pink Floyd I highly suggest giving it a listen, as it demonstrates perfectly why we can't let a measly half an hour ruin an entire twenty four.

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